Sponsor a Harambee Apprentice
What is Harambee?
Harambee is our after school and summer apprenticeship teaching the skill of tuckpointing to Humboldt Park teens. Tuckpointing is the restoration of a brick home by replacing the decaying mortar- a costly repair for any homeowner- especially for our elderly or disabled neighbors. Our teens learn this marketable skill by providing this service for free to our neighbors in need and earn an educational stipend for their participation in the program.
Track ONE 12-13 Years
168 training hours each year
Learning the basics: these youth learn basic construction safety, how to mix mortar and keep the jobsite clean.
ONE YEAR (3 seasons): $750
Track TWO 14-15 Years
288 training hours each year
Learning to tuckpoint: These youth learn basic scaffolding safety and how to tuckpoint while improving quality and speed.
ONE YEAR (3 seasons): $1800
Track THREE 16-18 Years
440 training hours each year
Using power tools: These youth lead their team in productivity, quality and safety. They use angle grinders and hammer drills to remove decaying mortar.
ONE YEAR (3 seasons): $3500
Sponsoring one of these amazing teens as they rebuild our city is truly an investment with huge impact!
A year-long sponsorship Includes: Youth stipend, training tools, safety equipment, materials and uniforms for our 6 week summer program and 24 week after school program.