Every February, R CITY honors one person who has been heroic to the work of R CITY. Awarded at the Black History Celebration, R CITY's Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions recognizes an individual whose work has been integral in the success of R CITY. This year's awardee is Pastor Antoine Taylor.
Special Recognition to Y'Shanda Rivera, PhD for Foundational Contributions
A published author and educational consultant, whose work with R CITY extends back to its beginnings, Dr. Rivera conducted research through R CITY's very first programs and was integral during our founding. She continued her investment in 2020 as a board member and joined the staff of R CITY serving as the Director of Strategy, Research & Partnerships from 2021-2023.
Dr. Rivera exemplifies the absolute best of OUR CITY and we are honored to celebrate our 2024 recipient of the Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions.
R CITY announces Executive Director Transition
In January 2024, I will step out of the Executive Director role, remaining with R CITY as Finance Lead to continue managing R CITY's grants and finance. At that time, the Executive Director role will be filled by the magnificent Charnesha Collier. She will be supported by myself, our board of directors, and Michelle Johnson, Director of Administration. This role is the culmination of years of leadership development for Char, who began as a youth in the Harambee program. Having served as R CITY's Director of Programs for the last year, Char has shown herself to be an excellent leader for both staff and youth. It is my great honor to place the role I love so much in her hands.
Cook County Justice Advisory Council Grant Expands Services
R CITY is proud to be part of the amazing collection of organizations receiving funds from Cook County's Justice Advisory Council’s Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction Grants, thanks to additional funding from the State of Illinois through the Department of Human Services. These funds utilize ARPA federal funds to reduce the impact of violence in our community
In West Humboldt Park, far too many youth have experienced violence in a deeply personal way, losing friends, classmates, and family members repeatedly throughout their lives. While the community's capacity and resilience are great, no community should carry that burden alone. This funding provides real, tangible support from the county, state, and country to show families that they are not alone. West Humboldt Park's youth are deeply needed in the future of our world; this investment provides integral services to move them forward on their path.
February 21, 2023: R CITY Lead Mentor and Peace Advocate Shawn Childs, and Dr. Y'Shanda Rivera, Director of Strategy, Research, & Partnerships were on hand to meet and celebrate with the officials who have worked to increase the funding available to organizations bringing supportive services to communities that experience high levels of gun violence.
Special Recognition to Phaedra M. Leslie for Foundational Contributions
At R CITY our mission is to bring the BEST of our city to build a path for families to walk from cradle to career to the glory of God. As we prepared for our very first Black History Showcase, we knew it would be a great evening to celebrate our beautiful children and youth but also, we didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to celebrate and honor some of the VERY best of R CITY whose contributions support our youth, our programs and our community, and this year we had the immense privilege of bestowing our first Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions to Phaedra M. Leslie from ALL Construction.
After School is Back with Fall Fun!
This summer, a journalist from WBEZ sought out our local staff to answer the question, "What is it like in the area hardest hit by Chicago's violence this summer?" The answer depends greatly on one thing: the number of hands and hearts uniting to bringing peace.
The timing could not have been better for the arrival of funding from the state of Illinois. Due to these additional resources over the course of 2022, we have finally been able greatly increase the number of staff mentors serving our youth. They are pouring out their energy during after school programs and showing our kids specialized attention on mentor trips and outings outside of program hours. They are filling our kids' out of school time with enrichment, investment and relationships including: field trips to explore our city, mentor trips for special treats and projects (such as pumpkin decorating- se photo) and community events like the FALL FEST tomorrow on Friday, October 21.
We are so grateful for our many new mentors, each committed to serving their youth and families through all the challenges the world brings. And thankful for all of your continued support.
We are so grateful for each of you who weave yourselves into this vital network of support that builds peace for our youth.
The R CITY Team & Executive Director, Elizabeth Galik
Print Shop Teens Complete their Third Mural
Print Shop lead instructor, Songine’ Clarke has been spending time thinking about the phrase from the Lord’s Prayer, “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” The WHOLE earth is broad and hard to wrap our minds around, but what if we zoomed in, all the way to our own neighborhood? What if we could see wherever we live as it is in heaven?
This summer as they decided what a mural on the back of the River City building would contain, she lead her print shop teens through the same thought process: What would it be like if they could see their neighborhood as paradise?
State Funding DOUBLES the Team
The first quarter of 2022 has been deeply impacted by grant funding awarded from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA). The addition of this state funding allowed R CITY to double our staff in order to implement a small group model across our after school programs. In February we hired a junior high program coordinator and 5 new adult mentors, launched this expanded model of programming and services and we are already feeling the impact this team is making.