Building Together this Christmas
Thank you for coming alongside R CITY as we work every day bringing together the best of our city to build a path for families to walk from cradle to career to the glory of God.
This Christmas, thank you for joining us in this joyful work!
Safe and peaceful community space
In collaboration with neighborhood stakeholders, R CITY CDC and River City Community Church are investing $750,000 in a NEW project to transform a 3-city-lot space into an incredible neighborhood hub that will provide clean, safe spaces for active play for children and gathering spaces for neighbors and partners.
More about the campaign can be found here.
programs our youth enjoy
Year after year, season after season, programming at R CITY provides reliable and engaging opportunities to youth from Humboldt Park of all ages: after school programming and summer camp for grades Pre K- 8, mentoring, intervention, job training and apprenticeships for teens and college scholarships and support for our young adults. The building is full and busy- but SO JOYFUL!
customize a brick
The renovation of the lot next to River City will contain a creative nature play space for children with small beds for gardening. We are planning to pave a portion of this area with customized bricks as a way to honor friends near and far. You are welcome to have a brick engraved to celebrate your loved ones OR to send a message of love and peace to all the beloved friends who will enjoy the space. Bricks come in 2 sizes and donation levels:
4 x 8 - Donation of $50
8 x 8 - Donation of $150