Y’Shanda rivera, PHD
2024 recipient of the Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions
In our second year hosting our Black History Showcase, it was no contest who we should honor with the Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions.
Dr. Y’Shanda (Shanda) Rivera earned a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy. Her research centers around improving educational and social outcomes for highly-vulnerable youth, through forming what she terms cultural-ecological partnerships. Dr. Rivera is also a state-certified teacher and administrator who has held a number of classroom and administrative positions in Chicago Public Schools, and at the university level.
A published author and educational consultant, whose work with R CITY extends back to its beginnings, Dr. Rivera conducted research through R CITY's very first programs and was integral during our founding. She continued her investment in 2020 as a board member and joined the staff of R CITY serving as the Director of Strategy, Research & Partnerships from 2021-2023.
Dr. Rivera is passionate about all things Jesus. In 2012, she and her husband of 30 years, Jose, founded a non-profit ministry, The Church Outside the Walls. Through that ministry, and their everyday lives, they aim to live as Christ’s ambassadors, making Him visible every place their feet go.
Dr. Rivera exemplifies the absolute best of OUR CITY and we are honored to celebrate our 2024 recipient of the Distinguished Award for Foundational Contributions.