This year we faced--and overcame--unprecedented challenges together. In the midst of unending obstacles, people from all across our nation and from the heart of our community came together to make things happen. This year, again and again, we shifted directions and pivoted to respond to the needs before us. In each pivot, we looked to find creative ways to love our families, overcoming each new obstacle however we could. Here is the story of those pivots and the unprecedented year of 2020.

To all who joined us this year, we hope you enjoy R CITY's 2020 Annual Report. The victories within it are ours to celebrate together.

2020 - The year teenagers found purpose in work.

2020 - The year teenagers found purpose in work.

On Harambee work days they entered the building, signed in and had their temperature checked and we would ask how school was going. Too often their responses were not marked by confidence.

Despite their frustrations and discouragement, we were so thankful they got out of the house to come to River City. There was clearly something life giving in completing physical work when so much of their daily lives were spent online.

2020 - The year youth added beauty to their community.

2020 - The year youth added beauty to their community.

This school year, R CITY Art Shop decided to take on creating a mural in our neighborhood. It was the perfect activity to do safely during the pandemic allowing us to be creative outdoors. We knew what we wanted to do and we had our idea ready but we didn’t know where we could bring our idea to life. When Lori, one of our students, found out that we needed a place to do a mural, she asked her landlord if we could paint on a wall in the backyard of her apartment building and luckily, the landlord agreed to let us do it.

2020 - The year we found new ways to bring JOY

2020 - The year we  found new ways to bring JOY

During our weekly staff meeting, we shared how for much of our day we felt like the stereotype of a “shushing” librarian. We witnessed teachers creatively tackling so many problems, but knew part of our we had a unique opportunity to bring joy to their physical world, since it was such a privilege to be together. We discussed ways to increase joy in our days, we implemented incentive plans, and brainstormed safe ways to enjoy Halloween.

Second Home + Second Family: Fall 2020 Update

Second Home + Second Family: Fall 2020 Update

We have now completed two months of remote learning support. Many students and families in our city have found a workable rhythm, but others have deeply felt the weight of working their jobs while supervising their children's education. It is this moment that you have stepped into, opening River City's doors to create an extended family for our youth and support for our families. Through your generosity, we've invited in a full roster of 61 students, kindergarten through high school.

Community Coming Together: Summer 2020 Update

Community Coming Together: Summer 2020 Update

What I have learned from life in the city is that love grows deepest amid difficulty. Violence bonds survivors together, marching against what robbed them of peace. Shortfall brings about the miraculous deliverance of God--and the communal gratitude of the delivered. The challenge of faithfully walking with children from hard places--shouldering with them the burdens they carry--forges a team bonded in unforgettable ways. The hardest years become powerful memories of the ones who loved us fiercely during those times.

Spring 2020 Update

Spring 2020 Update

In the spirit of this most unusual season, I write this from my living room to yours. Much has been said about the difficulty of this time, and it rings true in our world. The charts show our zip code near the top of Chicago's COVID case rankings, and multiple young adults in my circle have indeed lost parents or grandparents to COVID. The news talk about shortages of food, income, & access to technology, and texts from our families echo that.