Spring at R CITY

At R CITY, our hearts are very, very full, reflecting the abundance of the year we have had so far with our beloved young people in Humboldt Park. And it’s only April! Here are some key highlights from this year so far.

Ultimate Battle, which is R CITY’s how-much-HW-can-you-do-in-20-minutes competition, is now equipped with *prizes*.The “league leaders” in Homework Points, Helpfulness Assists, and Behavior Fouls are looking forward to their hard-earned field trip! Can you sense the excitement?


We added a new enrichment class–coding–and crowdfunded to purchase shiny new Chromebooks. We’re getting them all set up and ready to kick off Code Combat ASAP.

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Large group sessions received a theatrical boost with a new skit series surrounding a troubled but lovable protagonist “Snake Eyes,” whose adventures have sparked sympathy and an eager crowd of fans. Among them are our music class students, who authored a song reflecting his encounters with the world’s darkness and light.


Finally, plenty of goofiness to go around.


Of course, we couldn’t have done all this without your support! At the beginning of this year, we set a goal of 100 new gifts of $30 monthly, and we’re over 1/3 of the way there! Use your resources or relationships to join us in Building the Path!