2017 has been an exciting year at R CITY and we are delighted to invite you to join us at the Humboldt Park Boathouse Cafe for an evening to help us build the path for our youth to continue walking from cradle to career to the Glory of God.
Sunday, June 25, 4 PM- Cocktails 5 PM- Dinner
Come and CELEBRATE a beautiful year!
The 2016-17 school year brought over 130 children and youth through our after school enrichment programs. Families were supported, youth were mentored, children were embraced into an incredible web of support- we are grateful to so many who made this happen.
Come and GIVE toward a beautiful future!
Beginning this summer we are thrilled to announce the expansion of R CITY with the addition of Harambee Chicago teen apprentices. As we build the path from cradle to career, our teens now have the exciting opportunity to learn the masonry skill of tuckpointing. Teens will earn an educational stipend while receiving real-world job experience by providing this costly service for our low-income neighbors in need.